Here’s a brilliant idea – create my wanky, self-indulgent “Shows You Must See” (ie, Unique Experiences) page within days of the completion of the Festivals! I’m nothing if not timely, especially since most of the shows I’ll list here have long since bumped out.
Time-saving cut’n’paste from previous years:
Ummm… this is a list, in no particular order, of shows you must see. In my humble opinion, of course – but this is my blog, so I’m hardly going to espouse the opinions of others, am I?
- Martin Dockery: Bursting Into Flames
- Felicity Ward in The Hedgehog Dilemma
- Fleeto
- Where Did It All Go Right?
- Chants Des Catacombes
- The Tim McMillan Band – Axework for Space Goblins
- Live on Air with Poet Laureate Telia Nevile
- Dr Brown Befrdfgth
Carnally, where do we go from here… The Fastest Train To Anywhere Shadows of Angels Sons & Mothers Ennio Morricone Live I Can Keep A Secret The Boy James Tough! Gravity Boots and Friends The Ballad of the Unbeatable Hearts Ellipsis Back of the Bus Outland False Messiah PRESS-PLAY! (Week 2) Weepie Water Stains on the Wall