ff2014, Day 4

The “official” opening of the Fringe has been and gone; it’s time to get down to business.

  1. We’re Kind Of A Big Deal
  2. 36 Hours
  3. Ro Campbell: You take the High Ro, I’ll take the Low Ro.

The fully-opened Garden of Unearthly Delights? The Garden of Sandbanked Barkchips, more like. I imagine Gluttony would be a mudbowl by now; the ground was so sodden that my toe-shoes were sinking about an inch into the soil (and, hence, filling with water). The Austral Red Room is still a hotbox. And the Producers Bar Beer Garden looks like a fantastic late-night hangout spot – especially if The BottleRockets are playing.

ff2014, Day 3

So – that’s work done for another four-and-a-half weeks. All plain sailing from here!

  1. Musical Skeletons in my Closet
  2. Rhys Nicholson – ‘Eurgh’

Wandered through the slightly sodden Garden earlier this evening, too. Unimpressed – it may be wise to stay away from there for the next couple of days, lest it turn into a mudbowl. Love the new FringeTIX office on Rymill Park, though – there’s shade for all the people queuing for tickets!

ff2014, Day 2

Last night was get-re-acquainted-with-Holden-Street night; tonight was La Bohème’s turn. Their mojitos certainly took the edge off the weather, and the pinot noir they have at the moment is a delight (after a bit of air).

  1. Rachel Collis – Naked Dream
  2. New Cabal

You know “work”? The stuff that I do the other eleven months of the year? The stuff that finances my little ff-expeditions? I’m pretty bloody glad that my last of it for nearly five weeks is tomorrow.

ff2014, Day 1

Despite the opening ceremony (of sorts) last week, I’m nominating this as the first day of my ff2014 Campaign. And it’s off to a good start: two impressive shows out at the slightly re-jigged Holden Street, with pretty good crowds in for preview shows.

  1. Albert Einstein: Relativitively Speaking
  2. Bitch Boxer

It’s so easy to settle back into The Groove, isn’t it? I had all the best intentions of writing and researching and Getting Stuff Done, but instead I wind up chatting away with Peter and Martha and Shelley and Nicole… and I wouldn’t change a thing.