Day 13: unlucky for some. And by “some”, I mean “me”, because I spent about half the show on stage with Dr Brown this evening, wearing a crap wig or rubbing baby oil on a hairy, taut, mostly naked man. I’d be lying if I said the laughter and applause didn’t feel good, though.
- Sargasm
- Inanimate Eats Rage
- 3xperimentia: Live Cut
- Dr. Brown Behaves
Just looking at that list of today’s shows again, one thing sprang to mind – it’s pretty bloody good. Not a dud amongst them. Plus, I got to chat with Kate Skully, and tell Brad Oakes my 1998 Brad Oakes story… all the while fending off Nik Coppin’s wedding barbs.
It all made sense on the night, I swear.