ff2010, Day 19

Blimey. Bit of a quiet one, today. Mind you, there was the best part of three hours of Shakespeare involved.

  1. Hell West And Crooked
  2. The Life and Death of King John

Talked to Guy Masterson outside the Queens Theatre this evening, who politely reminded me I’ve not seen any of the theatre on offer at Higher Ground yet… I really must do something to rectify that. Also chatted with Steve Sheehan during the Rhino Room Late Show (an unplanned excursion which did little to quell The Shortlist), which was nice :)

There’s more, but I’m not in a chatty mood. My brain’s starting to get in a slightly weird place, with twisty turny convolutions doing my head in. Very different from Fringe Burnout, though – thankfully.

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