[20000012] Rod Quantock – Utopia

Rod Quantock – Utopia

Nova (Cinema 1)

7:00pm, Tue 29 Feb 2000

Score: 7

Short Review: Down

I think Rod Quantock is one of Australia’s best comedians. There, I said it. However, tonite he was a little… flat? disappointing? down? Hmmmm.

I’d been looking forward to this show for ages, and for all you RQ fans out there, there are a few surprises: No blackboard (gasp!), but a long diatribe about the lack of chalk in todays society, and how this impacts our social wellbeing. Very few Kennett jokes, replaced by the far more vitriolic Howard jokes. And the presence of toilet humour! …literally.

As I said previously, I think Quantock is brilliant, and so the show was still very enjoyable. Compared to previous RQ experiences, however, it seemed to be lacking a little spark… maybe Rod just needs some more chalk and a Nazi-esque Victorian Premier again.

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