ff2011, Day 31

Aaaaand that’s another Fringe wrapped up… 131 shows all up (all unique, no repeats, no “bonus” shows – like Tim Minchin and the secret TuxCat gigs – counted). And, by and large, it was all pretty bloody good.

  1. LoveFridge
  2. My Filthy Hunt
  3. Freefall

If anything, Freefall was even better this year than last year – something I hopefully managed to convey to the Freefall crew when they were wandering the Fringe Club post-awards earlier this evening. The Awards themselves were… well, I’ll ramble about them later, but there’s plenty of quality picks sprinkled with a little WTF. But the best win was that TuxCat took home the best venue gong – really well deserved, that. Big props to Bryan and Cass.

More on that later. Right now, sleep… while the tingling of a friendly hug lingers :)

2 thoughts on “ff2011, Day 31”

  1. Hey Pete
    Just letting you know Gravity Boots has a whole new show on Tues 17 May at the Exchange (Grenfell). They have been booked for Edinbugh next year and secured a manager.
    You should try and get a long- 8.30pm



  2. @ Leonie: so the ‘Boots are off to Edinburgh! That’s fantastic news. I wish them all the best :)

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