
So – nearly three months after the end of the Festivities, I’ve finished writing about them. And, I have to say, it’s much easier to write in lazy retrospect, rather than straight after the event; I’ve found that the negative passions subside somewhat, allowing me to focus on the positives of the performance a little more. Undoubtedly, some performances benefited from that.

Apparently, the Fringe is now annual; everyone I’ve spoken to seems to think this is a bad idea. I certainly think that the “odd”, non-Festival-aligned years will lean even more heavily towards the comedy festival that we all fear the Fringe is becoming; but we all know where this rant will go if I continue. Regardless, let’s just hope the Fringe Overload that is about to be unleashed does not diminish the quality of the productions that come to our sleepy little city, nor reduce the enthusiasm of the city to the Fringe.

Best wishes to you all; see you in 2007 :)

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