ff2014, Day 15

I tell you what – today was a pretty bloody fun day. Yours the Face deserves way more than the five people that were in the audience tonight, though the venue is going to be a nightmare come Clipsal time. I dashed in to see Ubu Roi tonight because I learnt that 5pound cancelled their final show (to which I had a ticket); sorry to the Love & Other Acts of Theft team, but I’ll see your show tomorrow. WAKE was a cracking find – a musical about grief – and it sounds absolutely gorgeous in Arcade Lane.

  1. Yours the Face
  2. 5pound theatre’s Ubu Roi
  3. WAKE
  4. Rhino Room Late Show (#1)

Oh – and today was my first Alcohol Free Day (AFD) of the season. Yeah – I’m livin’ healthy.

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