[2015162] I Liked You Better Online

[2015162] I Liked You Better Online

Cut Tooth Theatre Company @ Bakehouse Theatre – Studio

6:00pm, Sat 14 Mar 2015

Online dating, eh? Once looked upon as only for the desperate, there now seems to be a social acceptance of online matchmaking sites and apps; so much so that there’s been theatre and comedy shows with online dating at their core.

I Liked You Better Online presents Chloe and Steve, two people who are matched via Tinder. They alternately express their excitement and expectation for the other; their restaurant meeting leaves them disappointed at the others’ real-life personae as the stretched truths in their profiles lead to comical accusations and counter-accusations.

What follows is a light-hearted look at the way users cajole their profiles in order to attract more potential matches; neither gender is shown to be innocent in this regard, with faux anger between the pair keeping things interesting. But the script also explores what each of the characters wishes the other would have said, and explores the contradictions in their statements… but it’s all in good fun. The denouement is hackneyed rom-com, but – in the context of the entire show – works a treat.

Lara Schwerdt and Luke McMahon are both wonderful in their roles, providing a perfect balance of innocence and sneakiness, coolness and desperation. They carry I Liked You Better Online from a predictable grab-bag of online dating jokes to a more complete offering: it’s a lovely little production that provides a lot of knowing nods and laughs.

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