Who are you, and why should I care?

Feed the ego

So you’ve wandered into this little corner of the Web. Maybe you’ve seen some reviews, and you’re thinking – “Why should I care what this guy thinks?”

Well, apply some rational thought there, kiddo. You shouldn’t. The scribblings you see herein are purely one persons opinion – and we all know the asshole-to-opinion analogy. So what’s the point?

Hey, what is presented here – for nought of your dollars, I might add – is purely another source of information. Something which you may peruse and consider before chucking down your cold hard cash for a show that you might otherwise not have seen. Maybe you can compare your own opinions to mine, and maybe there’ll be some correlation – not bloody likely, but you roll your dice & take your own chances. Bear in mind, however, that I’ve got over 100 shows in the last 2 FestFests under my belt, so I’m not likely to be sympathetic to any piffly “but that was the best show I’ve ever seen” correspondence…

Anyhoo, if you’d like to see what you’ve got yourself into, feel free to browse – maybe check out ff2000 & ff98 as well. The latter has a built-in Y2K bug, yeah.

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