ff2010, Day 25

After yesterday’s bedlam, today was nice and relaxing; a little sleep-in (oh wait… I only got to bed at 4am), lazy breakfast, a few show posts, then a trek to Holden Street for three-in-a-row. Easy!

  1. Single Admissions
  2. Heroin(e) for Breakfast
  3. Goat Town

So I’m waiting for Single Admissions to start, and I notice some chap sitting in front of me turning around and staring at me. He nudges his wife, she peers too. I’m mystified – I’ve no idea who these people are. It turns out that they were sitting behind Tahli in How to be a Lady last night and heard us discussing various shows – “how many have you seen now?” He asked. We had a good old chat – they’re above-average Fringe-goers as well, so we swap horror stories and surprises and… well, it was just great to chat with them :)

Some decent shows today, too. Going to make for some interesting posts, too, if the notes are anything to go by… Mind you, show #90 will probably be posted in… oooh, September ;)

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