Well… that was unexpected. Welcome to a new Festival/Fringe year!
- Gady LaLa – songs for the sophisticated fag hag
- Music to Watch Boys By
With Gady LaLa long since sold out, I was expecting to have an uneventful night… but my Fringe Buddy just happened to pick up two freshly-available tickets at the door, and snaffle front-row seats. And we had such a blast with Gady LaLa that we decided to hang around for Music to Watch Boys By, too – both shows offer fantastic entertainment.
Then off to the opening-night Garden to familiarise ourselves with the new layout (to optimise those short-changeover dashes). The opening to the new Garden is almost claustrophobic, seemingly focussed on pushing the masses through to the sprawling central area; there’s plenty of dark spots out back, though, which will annoy the unfortunate vendors there no end. Seeing three bars next to each other scuppers any idea that Strut and Fret have lost their focus…
Still, it’s great to be back in the groove of things. The Shortlist Spreadsheet is 446 lines long, and last night was the first time I’d sat down to really focus on planning. The first batch of Fringe tickets numbered a healthy 23; there’s oodles more to come, of course….