ff2012, Day 11

So… Show #50 for the year popped up today. No great fanfare, no great milestone. This assault is all frontloaded; the Festival starts soon, and cancelled shows are starting to come thick and fast – I’ve had two cancellations today :}

  1. A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer
  2. The Brothers Pitt
  3. Misery
  4. Just Like the Movies
  5. An Anarchist at the Demo
  6. Luke Escombe – Chronic
  7. Knock Off

I was lucky enough to chat to (or rather, endlessly quiz) the delightful Jane Howard today. Jane’s blog, No Plain Jane, is a real gem of Adelaide arts reporting (and arts reporting in general), especially the glorious Pay It Forward manifesto. Go: read. And, more importantly, do.

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