ff2012, Day 29

I told you things would slow down once the Festival got going… and tomorrow will be even slower!

A belated tip for all you La Soirée Premium ticket holders: you’ve wasted your money. Unless you like watching the performers’ backs to you most of the time, or having a spotlight in your eyes.

  1. Wyrd… with grace
  2. The Thursday Show 2: Thursday Harder
  3. Water Stains on the Wall
  4. La Soirée

So: I’m poking around the Festival site, procrastinating over actually buying a ticket for the Michael Rother kraut-rock, when I spied something at the bottom of the page: “You may also enjoy… St Vincent”.

Yes… I most certainly do enjoy St Vincent. I’ve even mentioned my enjoyment on this blog before.

But why did she appear on the Festival site? Does that…

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod – St Vincent are playing at Barrio tomorrow night.

Procrastination – and any other tickets that I’d already booked for Friday night – flew out the window.

4 thoughts on “ff2012, Day 29”

  1. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod” – lol, I can picture that reaction :P

    Glad to see you’re keeping up with your blogging this year!

  2. Oh…you’re actually behind lol I take it FF is over and these are from your notes? If so, *whip*, get back to work :P

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