Panic Time!

My last post to this blog was on March 22.

At the time, I figured that I could squeeze out one post a day. After all, I saw 155 shows this year, and I feel obliged – nay, committed – to writing about every single one of them. And I figured that, at one-a-day from late March, I’d be wrapped up just inside the new financial year.

But, as Burns wrote (and Steinbeck later appropriated), the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men

First came laziness. Then came sheer laziness. They were soon joined by procrastination, self-loathing, and video gaming (my other passion, though that’s been equally neglected of late). The discovery of (and subsequent pathological addiction to) the odd TV show like Treme and The Newsroom and Homeland didn’t help, either.

But now there’s three months left in the year… 92 days. And I’ve still got 109 shows that need me to blurt out some thoughts. And my memories of some of those shows are tenuous and fleeting, at best.

Still, I like a challenge. Occasionally. Of course, I prefer my challenges to be of a bandaid-ripping length, but this hand I’ve been dealt is my own doing. So… off we go!

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