[2012140] The Thursday Show 2: Thursday Harder

[2012140] The Thursday Show 2: Thursday Harder

Edward Kuhne & Kel Balnaves @ The Ed Castle Hotel

7:00pm, Thu 15 Mar 2012

The Thursday Show was a wonderful surprise in 2011; making good on my promise to Ed & Kel, I’d pencilled in Thursday Harder nice and early… and even provided the opportunity for the show to be correct in its nomenclature. Ironically enough, the notes for this show which I hurriedly thumbed into my phone on my way to the following event were under the auto-corrected title of “Friday”… well done, iPhone. Well done.

Thankfully, the boys have seen little reason to change the formula of The Thursday Show: the familiar duo-Kel-duo-Ed delivery is still in place, with each segment separated by radio-esque voice-overs (“The Thursday Show. Brought to you by… pissing!”) or mock advertisements (the Cat-Rid ads were particularly amusing). And, once again, the banter between the boys is a joy to watch; they’re clearly very comfortable with each other on stage: their timing is impeccable, and their over-the-top acting somehow manages to be comedic gold.

My only complaint – and it’s only a teensy weensy complaint – is that, while Ed’s solo material was great, a lot of Kel’s solo spots were familiar… then again, I’d seen Kel perform a fair few spots at various venues around Adelaide in the year since the last Thursday Show. But then there’s some material like Ant News that comes along and covers over those little cracks…

I loved The Thursday Show, I loved Thursday Harder, and my only regret was that I left just before the end of the show… to go on a Fool’s Errand, no less.

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