Well, at the moment I’m only 6 shows behind in my little write-ups…
- Don’t Look Back
- The Gecko Enforcer
- Meow Meow
- Ainadamar
- American Poodle
- Amelia Jane Hunter is Keith Flipp
Writing is really, really hard at the moment: there’s some tragic personal-life stuff going on, and I’m deeply appreciative of the opportunity to immerse myself in the worlds presented by all these great performances. A nice little escape from reality, if you will.
And then I look at Guy Masterson, who still delivers a great show even though he’s just lost a family member to cancer, and I become… well, utterly humbled.
So – to all the artists I’ll see in the next few days: thankyou in advance. To anyone who actually reads my words: I apologise for any melancholy or bitterness in advance. Hopefully I’ll soon find my level and begin to write more freely again.