[2014105] Story (Whore)

[2014105] Story (Whore)

Jon Bennett @ Tuxedo Cat – Raj House – Room 2

8:30pm, Sun 9 Mar 2014

That Jon Bennett, eh? He’s a bloody good storyteller. He can conjure humour and empathy simultaneously, and from his brother’s meth addiction, to his Dad’s brushes with death, these stories are grounded in familial love and respect, and deeply mined for laughs.

But that’s not what this show is about. In fact, there’s very few mentions of his family at all.

Because, whilst Bennett’s usual storytelling style is there, he admits up front that Story (Whore) is a work-in-progress. Framed by an interaction with a Montreal airport security guard, Bennett takes a ramble through his life, reminiscing on his loves… and his pursuit of them.

Sure, some of the short tales that he dives into are a little clunky, occasionally causing me to wonder where the joke was supposed to be. And sure, the transitions between the stories sometimes were a little strained. And certainly, his PowerPoint accompaniment was not up to his usual polished standard.

But you know what? Jon Bennett still has that wonderfully befriending style that welcomes you instantly as a friend, and there are still plenty of laughs to be had. And again, he demonstrates his ability to conjure humour from strife: his tangent explaining how he’d been mugged multiple times was bloody good fun. And, in the end, that’s enough to carry the show… and it demonstrates that a great storyteller can turn anything into rewarding entertainment.

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