[20000054] Shock Headed Peter

Shock Headed Peter

Her Majesty’s Theatre

7:00pm, Thu 16 Mar 2000

Score: 9

Short Review: TragicallyFunny

Shock Headed Peter dwells on the horror stories parents (used to?) tell their children to keep them from doing naughty things. In bringing the story of Shock Headed Peter (a hideous child to uncaring parents, who hid the child in shame under the floorboards), those involved have created a fantastic and highly amusing story that truly is fun for all ages.

Using the story of Shock Headed Peter as a central theme, the cast (led by the wonderful Julian Bleach) perform the afore-mentioned stories to the music of the brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Tiger Lillies – Martyn Jacques constant castrato and Adrian Huge’s deadpan humour are sensational. The stories are acted – watch Harriet burn! – or subject to very clever puppeteering… my favourite story was “The Man Who Went Out With A Gun”… most amusing stuff.

Thoughout the whole show, the audience is barely given a moments’ respite from laughter – even mistakes are cleverly handled. If there is any flaw to this show, it was that it probably went a tiny bit too long – maybe only one story though. Otherwise, simply brilliant.

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