ff2011, Day 23

And with a whoosh – there’s one hundred shows for the Fringe. Maybe it’s time to think about doing a bit more writing.

  1. Mr Badger tells the story of The Wind in the Willows
  2. Oleanna
  3. The Deer Johns take on Life In The Early 80s
  4. Peter Berner – Chicken Shop Loyalty
  5. Accidents Are Prohibited On This Road
  6. The Bertie Beatle Show

Visual Arts:

  1. Nest Series

Despite the Ha Ha Comedy Late Show petering out into non-existence, the tail end of this evening was pretty great; yummy beers and nachos in Gluttony, followed by hobnobbing in the Fringe Club with Shannon and Nick and Martin and Deborah and Edwin and Shelley. And there was a spot of wine involved, too. Oh yes, a very fun night indeed :)

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