ff2011, Day 24

A really odd mix today. Almost a dry day, too. And home before midnight… an opportunity for a good night’s sleep. So why did I wind up trawling the blogosphere and talking bollocks until 2am?

  1. Heroes
  2. Subsidized Corn
  3. Nice Work If You Can Get It
  4. European Man 2
  5. The Interminable Suicide of Gregory Church

Had a nice chat with the Subsidized Corn folk after their show… totally nice people, really lovely. And some brilliant… ummm… “audience interaction” in European Man 2 – nearly too silly for words. A nice sorbet at this end of the Fringe, anyway!

2 thoughts on “ff2011, Day 24”

  1. Hey,

    I was looking for ideas of what Fringe shows to see and stumbled across your website. Nice work. Wow. You see a lot.

    Unfortunately, I have only seen a few shows so far. I loved The Boy With Tape On His Face, Cantina, Tom Tom Crew. Skip Miller’s Hit Songs and Phil Escoffey.

    I have also seen a couple of smaller shows which were quite impressive. I loved Tape at The Directors Hotel and The Cut at The Bakehouse wasn’t bad either. If you haven’t seen them, I recommend you do – especially Tape.

    Anyway, just thought I would say good work. You have certainly given me some ideas as to what to see next.


  2. Cheers Charlie – your comments are very much appreciated. Tape is on the list for tomorrow night, but it looks like it might be competing for a spot with The Lesson, which has apparently sold its closing night out. The Cut was going to get a look-in tonight, but that session has been cancelled :}

    Thanks again for your comments; sorry I’ve not been able to write more about all the other shows I’ve seen (only 70 posts behind at the moment!).

    Have a great Fringe! :)

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