ff2011, Day 25

A quiet day.

  1. Being Winona Ryder
  2. Nuclear Family
  3. The Six-Sided Man

A quiet day. Except for the shows and name-dropping. And the piano-wielding ponies.

2 thoughts on “ff2011, Day 25”

  1. I know you will get around to posting your comments about each show, but I just wanted to know is The Six Sided Man worth seeing – In your opinion?

    What is on the list for tonight?


  2. Hi Charlie. The Six-Sided Man is interesting… it’s a quality bit of theatre in its own right. But (and that’s a big “but”) the book on which it’s based – Luke Rhinehart’s The Dice Man – is a very significant novel to me… and some aspects of that story resonated more deeply with me than others. Unfortunately, most of those bits were ignored in this adaptation… leading to a disappointing experience for me.

    In short – if you know the book well, The Six-Sided Man may be a bit risky; otherwise, I imagine it’d be an interesting premise wrapped in a quality production.

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