ff2011, Day 28

Another Dr Brown show, another half-hour onstage. Brilliant fun, though :)

  1. Eric’s Tales of the Sea
  2. Dr. Professor Neal Portenza’s Interactive Goat Hour V2.0
  3. Fabulous Abs
  4. Dr. Brown Because

Of course, the biggest show of the day was the impromptu TuxCat Staff Show – put on by a whole heap of performers in order for Fringe staff (and other performers) to check out their wares. It was a three-hour extravaganza hosted by Marcel Lucont (and Christophe Davidson), and featured snippets from Amy Abler, Sammy J, Abigoliah Schamaun, the chap behind The Problem With Evil, Dr Brown, the lads from Bound (who belted out some fantastic songs), DeAnne Smith, Heath McIvor (sans Randy, performing some fantastic standup), Michelle Baginski from LoveFridge (a gorgeous song, played in near darkness), Dr Professor Neal Portenza, Andrew O’Neill (singing & playing guitar, rather than standup), Sarah Harpur, Bart Freebairn, and a snippet of SexyTime!. That’s a massive lineup, and wall-to-wall brilliant fun, with a real jovial mood to the mix of staff, performers, and general public. Massive props to Bryan and Cass and Alexis and Christophe and everyone involved.

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