ff2011, Day 5

Pretty soft day today with only two shows seen – but one was a Fringe special :)

  1. The Lounge Room Confabulators
  2. Pirate Rhapsody, Mermaid Requiem

Still a great day, though; I was finally able to repay Tess the $5 I owed her (which felt karmically satisfying), had a short chat with Deborah Frances-White, and a much longer yarn (about the Canadian Fringe circuit, mostly) with Martin Dockery (which meant that I missed the Rhino Room Late Show). C’est la vie – the lineup tonight had a lot of opportunities for Shortlist-thinning, too.

The Gluttony venues all seem to be in place now. One of them looks awfully close to East Terrace; I can’t see how noise won’t be a problem.

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