ff2009, Day 15

Another day with no writing. Lots of shows, though!

  1. Ava’s Grá
  2. Facing Death
  3. Concrete Solace
  4. Slim Limits – The Second Coming of Gods Cowboy
  5. Brother Sister

Managed to lose my ticket from Brother Sister, which annoys me greatly – I’d previously had a complete set, and had made a big fuss at the door about hanging onto my stub. Also arrived home to discover that my freebie Brother Sister CD was nowt more than an empty jewel case! Harrumph.

2 thoughts on “ff2009, Day 15”

  1. Hi Mary – thanks for commenting. I’ll get to Facing Death eventually – it was show #43, I’m just writing up #31 now. Worry not, though – there are good things to be said :)

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